Featured Certificant: Kathryn Helen Odom

Kathryn Helen Odom

CAS & M.Ed
Special Education Program Manager: Behavior

What’s your favorite part about what you do?
My favorite part about my job is working with the most difficult students who need the most support and interventions. I enjoy seeing their progress and gains academically, socially, behaviorally, and adaptively. It is so great to see students make gains with their functional communication that decreases behaviors where they are able to be in their least restrictive environment and with the general education peers.
How has your IBCCES training/credential helped you in your career?
The training and certification from IBCCES has helped me further my understanding of autism and comorbid disorders. It has broadened my view of behaviors related to those on the spectrum and ways to work with those behaviors to teach replacement skills. It has supported me by providing knowledgeable insights when developing IEPs and how to implement them effectively for students with disabilities. My training has not only been effective for students with autism but also those with other cognitive delays.
How do you use what you learned from the CAS program to work with your students? 
I have used my training in the classroom with students and teachers to improve behaviors and help keep students in their LRE with their general education peers. I have also trained teachers and support staff in interventions, functions of behaviors, and replacement behaviors to support their students.

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