Moving from Awareness to Action

By Tameika Meadows, ABA

I recently had a conversation with one of my clients (see below for information about her company) about Autism Awareness month. While it’s not quite April yet, during the month of April it is common to see banners, commercial spots, print ads, blue light-bulbs, parades, etc., all focused on spreading awareness of Autism. Across communities, parents, educators, professionals, and regular Joe’s join together to help spread the word about Autism.


If you’re reading this blog you likely have some connection to Autism, so you’ve probably worn a t-shirt or marched at a rally during Autism Awareness month, or maybe even dyed your hair blue 🙂

My client asked me a question about Autism Awareness month that struck a chord with me, and prompted me to write this post.

“When do we move past awareness, and into action?”

Awareness and information are important…absolutely. Awareness of the impact Autism can have on an entire family, not just the individual who actually has Autism, is a necessary 1st step. But after that 1st step, then what? Did you spend last April making your church, co-workers, or neighbors aware of Autism? What impact did that have on your life once the month of April was over?

Click here to continue reading this article on Awareness to Action

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