Featured Certificant: Osezusi Bolodeoku

Osezusi Bolodeoku

BCCS & ACAS, Lead SENCO & Therapist
Why did you choose your profession?
I am driven to see all children actualize their full potentials irrespective of the challenges they may be faced with. I am quite passionate about changing the negative narrative that neurodiversity is a disease.
What’s your favorite part about what you do?
Seeing our Lights (that’s what we call kids at the center) smashing those goals keeps us going. Seeing the look of hope in the eyes of their parents/caregivers when they hit that progress and the confidence our Lights begin to exude knowing their own strengths means everything to us.
How has your IBCCES training/credential helped you in your career?
As the founder and lead SENCO at FOS Creative Studio and SEN Centre, I can now ensure that our kids and parents are getting the best now that I have (Board Certified Cognitive Specialist) BCCS and (Advance Certified Autism Specialist) ACAS certifications from a reputable credentialing board, IBCCES.

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