Featured Certificant: Jaclyn Hunt

Jaclyn Hunt

ACAS and BCCS, & ASD Life Coach
Why did you choose your profession?
The reason I chose my profession is an interesting story. I was studying to become a marriage and family therapist when I realized that all the counseling techniques I was learning had no effect or sometimes the opposite effect on my relationship. Once we realized my husband was on the autism spectrum it opened up a whole new world to me and an untapped field where adults with ASD desperately needed services. I became certified and geared my studies towards learning everything I could about autism in adulthood. I started ASD life coaches and over the years have built a team of coaches that see thousands of clients on the spectrum. We teach real-life skills including social skills, communication skills, independent living, and college/career development. We have a heavy focus on non-verbal communication training (such as eye contact and body language) as well as building healthy and safe relationships from the ground up. We also work on executive functioning skills to help clients manage their lives. My profession chose me and I ran with it.
What’s your favorite part about what you do?
My absolute favorite part of being an ASD life coach is seeing the progress my clients make over the weeks and months we work together. Sometimes I even get updates years later after the coaching relationship has ended. This profession is more rewarding than I can even express. When a client who thought they would never land their dream job or felt they would never find a relationship calls me up and says they just got promoted or they just got married, it brings tears to my eyes. To be part of so many amazing people’s lives is simply the most amazing job I could have ever obtained. Some days are long and difficult but even though I am tired at the end of the day, I feel so accomplished.
How has your IBCCES training/credential helped you in your career?
There are a lot of autism certifications out there, but IBCCES training is different from the rest. The training kept me up to date on the latest information in the field and it showed my client that myself and my team are trained as well as experts in the field.

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