Featured Certificant: Dana R. Jones-Meggett, Ph.D

Dana R. Jones-Meggett, Ph.D

CAS, HS-BSP, Parent Advocate, and Author
Why did you choose your profession?
I chose this profession initially to help advocate for my son who was diagnosed with ASD nearly 23 years ago at age 3. Once I became a subject matter expert, I then began working for nonprofit, state, & government/military entities to help other families and individuals. This support included being the regional director for the military program called the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP). This program is to help military members, who have family members with disabilities that they are responsible for, locate resources and military bases that can support the needs of the member and their military career. Being a regional program manager for EFMP was a full-circle moment. I once was enrolled in EFMP when I was on active duty in the Air Force for over 20 years. This has been full circle in another way, now that the pandemic has had my son homebound and me providing full-time care for him.
What’s your favorite part about what you do?
My favorite part is seeing a child thrive or a parent breathe easier after a tip I’ve given them.
How has your IBCCES training/credential helped you in your career?
My IBCCES training/credential has helped me keep sharp and current in the field. This in turn helps me to best support my clients/families, colleagues, educators, and others by providing them relevant information through my books, speaking engagements, and other avenues.

Upcoming book March 2022 to coincide with Disability Awareness (March) & Autism Awareness (April):

He Ain’t Heavy (He’s My Son) Part II

by Dr. Dana R. Jones-Meggett

Published books:

He Ain’t Heavy (He’s My Son) 2009

Mommy, I am Special and So Are You 2009 by Dana R. Jones

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