Featured Certificant: Theresa Perry

Theresa Perry

CATP, Inclusion Manager and Senior Travel Advisor

What’s your favorite part about what you do?

 As a retired Special Education Teacher, the best thing about being Inclusion Manager and a Travel Advisor is that I can continue working with families with special needs. Travel can be such a challenge for those with special needs and it truly makes me happy to navigate those challenges so that families can take stress free vacations. The memories made through family vacations are priceless! As Keys to Inclusion Manager, I am able to not just assist my own clients, but help all of our agents create individualized travel plans for families with special needs all across the country. My favorite part of this job is talking with clients after they have traveled and hearing how everyone in the family had a great time and how they can’t wait to travel again! It is so rewarding to know that I am able to contribute to that!

How has your IBCCES training/credential helped you in your career?

IBCCES has been a fantastic resource for ongoing training and up-to-date information and resources. Being an IBCCES Certified Autism Travel Professional helps others know that I have extensive training and experience in working with families with special needs so that they feel confident when they choose to work with me as their Travel Advisor.

How do you use/implement what you learned in the IBCCES certification training?

My IBCCES training, along with my background in the field of Special Education, is put into use every single day. As a Travel Advisor, I am able to identify how best to assist each of my clients and address their unique needs as Keys to Inclusion Manager. My Certified Autism Travel Professional certification and ongoing training have given me a solid background directly related to the travel industry to then turn around and train Key to the World Travel’s agents so we can provide the best services to our clients.

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