Featured Certificant: Ikenna Emeagha

Ikenna Emeagha

CAS, Center Coordinator

What’s your favorite part about what you do?
  My favorite part of what I do is personal development and growth as an individual and organization. I also work with professionals that I can learn from, and they will push me to take on new and challenging opportunities
How has your IBCCES training/credential helped you in your career?
  My credentials have helped me by showing my employer and clients that I have the knowledge and skills to perform/carry out my professional functions/duties. It also gave me an advantage in promotion and pay increments.
How do you use/implement what you learned in the IBCCES certification training?
  I have developed a growth mindset and am always applying and sharing the knowledge with my colleagues what I learnt from IBCCES. I always encourage teamwork, which helps us understand the client’s needs and how to implement our intervention strategy to achieve the desired results/goals.

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