Featured Certificant: Kimmie B.

Kimmie B.

CATP, Travel Agent

What’s your favorite part about what you do?

I love having the ability to combine my knowledge as a travel agent of popular vacation destinations, and first-hand experience as a parent of neurodiverse children, to help families plan their ideal vacation that is inclusive & accessible to everyone.

How has your IBCCES training/credential helped you in your career?

IBCCES training has helped me better understand the opportunities and accommodations available for my clients at certified destinations. This knowledge and understanding of each client’s unique circumstances enable me to tailor itinerary recommendations for their ideal trip.

How do you use/implement what you learned in the IBCCES certification training?

I utilize my training to work closely with clients to identify their unique needs when traveling & then match them to properly trained destinations that can provide necessary accommodations. I also use the knowledge gained from the IBCCES training and real-world experience to guide fellow travel agents on how to serve their clients best. This includes suggestions on places to visit and what implementing the necessary accommodations would look like, and how it can positively impact their client’s travel experience.



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