Disciplinary Policy


It is the expectation of IBCCES that all certificants (hereafter, “Members”) behave in a responsible and legal manner.  All Members are required to agree to the IBCCES Code of Ethics.  The IBCCES Board takes the actions of our Members very seriously.  All Members are expected to remain in good standing with IBCCES, with their employer, government regulations, and respective professional organization.

If a certificant finds any Member not abiding by the aforementioned guidelines, they are responsible for notifying IBCCES immediately in writing.  If a Member themselves is accused or has made an infraction, they should notify IBCCES within 30 days of said offense and/or accusation.  The IBCCES Board will determine the appropriate action or sanction depending on the offense. If IBCCES is notified or learns of an offense after the 30 day grace time period has passed, the Member will be subject to revocation of their credential.  Decisions of the Board are final and are not subject to appeal. If a credential is removed due to disciplinary reasons, you will not be refunded in whole or part.

Disciplinary Steps:

  1. Individual or complainant reports misconduct and/or breech of standards in writing to IBCCES.
  2. IBCCES conducts an investigation into the alleged misconduct.
  3. The IBCCES Board makes the determination on whether to revoked or suspend the offending Member’s certification status.
  4. The offending Members is notified of the IBCCES Board decision. If suspended, the Member is given the guidelines for reinstatement.  This may include a suspension for a specified time period, completion of additional training, or another contingency at the discretion of the board.

An individual is not permitted to use any IBCCES credential while they have a revoked or suspended status.

Reporting a complaint to IBCCES:

  1. Provide a detailed account of the individual in question, the offense, and the standard that the alleged violation pertains to. Do not include confidential client or student information.
  2. Include all relevant substantiating evidence, including any written communication.

If a criminal or local investigation or a professional licensing board are also investigating, the IBCCES Board will wait to make a ruling dependent on the outcomes of these procedings. The Board will review all complaints to determine if the alleged misconduct is in violation of IBCCES standards before proceeding with a determination of Certificant status.

Submit all documentation to:

Attn: IBCCES Standards and Ethics Committee
4651 Salisbury Rd, Ste 340
Jacksonville, FL 32256