Featured Certificant: Jessica Kitchens

Jessica Kitchens

Therapist/Owner of Kitchens Counseling Services and Founder/CEO Puzzle Collaborative

Why did you choose your profession?
I chose counseling as my undergrad major after taking a counseling class that was for another major. I enjoyed it and felt a pull towards that direction. My goal was to eventually become a private practice therapist and was able to do so in just a few short years. I enjoy helping people and mental health is an important aspect of our everyday lives. I have never regretted this field and feel blessed each and every day I get to do it.
What’s your favorite part about what you do?
Getting to work with all types of individuals and their families and be able to learn from each of them and their lives. I enjoy growing and this field presents all types of opportunities for growth. I also enjoy seeing my clients grow in many areas of their lives.
How has your IBCCES training/credential helped you in your career?
When my daughter was diagnosed with autism three years ago, I set about trying to learn everything I could on the topic. Doing so instilled a voracious need to absorb everything I could to be the best autism parent to her and better serve the autistic community. The ACAS training and credentials were steps in moving towards being better able to serve the neurodivergent population. It also led me to start another business that serves this population in several areas of need.
How do you use/implement what you learned in the IBCCES certification training?
The IBCCES training and credentials helped build upon other training and education I had to better serve the needs of the autistic community. I utilize much of my training to help educate other therapists that desire to work with this population, as well as better serving this population myself.

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