Featured Certificant: Nirali Darji

Nirali Darji

CAS & Occupational Therapist
Why did you choose your profession?
The story started when I was a teenager, and my Grandma got diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. I have seen her struggle every single day, and medicines would help her only up to a certain limit. Her struggle with her dependence on others for every little thing, including her daily chores and routines, along with the chronic pain due to her progressive condition left her dependent and helpless. In choosing my profession, I wanted to go into a profession that would tap into providing help with these needs where medicines don’t work anymore. I have a personality with the combination of a “Giver” and always like challenges and seeks unique experiences in life. As I was researching and exploring careers, I came across Occupational Therapy. Occupational Therapy is a very unique and compassionate profession. Being from India, OT was very new to me, and a very challenging profession as the awareness about OT in India was very limited. It resonated with me very deeply, and I decided to take a plunge into the occupational therapy world. The story continues today, where I am passionate about helping children achieve their full potential.
What’s your favorite part about what you do?
When an individual feels out of step with the rest of the world without understanding the ‘Why’, it is not uncommon for the lives of the whole family to unravel. It’s like trying to break the code to how the world works while the code is forever changing. Every child is different and no single approach to learning fits all. My zeal lies in understanding the child, building a solid foundation, and figuring a pathway to learning that works best for every child. I am a person who loves challenges and what’s a bigger challenge than figuring out the ‘why’ and laying a strong unique foundation for every child to achieve their full potential.
How has your IBCCES training/credential helped you in your career?
The CAS credential from IBCCES adds professional credibility to my mastery. Being an OT and founder of NiV, the knowledge gained from the training will help towards developing and regulating the foundational skills of learning. The well-curated training taps into all the necessary and needed pieces for supporting an autistic child from a comprehensive assessment to an essential toolkit, the laws, inclusive education, interventions for promoting lifelong success, social skills, UDL, and emotions. The training has helped me build better programs for empowering autistic children.

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