3 Reasons Why Autism Certification Is Important for Speech Language Pathologists

SLPs Commonly Work with Autistic Individuals (With or Without Autism Training)

Since autistic individuals typically have difficulty communicating, it is natural that autism and SLPs go hand in hand. With a rising diagnosis rate of autism, it is extremely valuable for SLPs to consider specializing in this area, or to at least receive specific training, in order to support individuals who are on the spectrum.

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Helping Students with Autism Transition from School to Work

Article written by Dr. Temple Grandin (pictured above)

During my travels to many autism conferences I have observed many sad cases of people with autism who have successfully completed high school or college but have been unable to make the transition into the world of work. Some have become perpetual students because they thrive on the intellectual stimulation of college. For many able people with autism college years were their happiest (Szatmari et al., 1989).

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Free CEUs, Subscription CEUs like MedBridge or Autism Certification?

There’s a range of different CEUs available for occupational therapists, including free CEUs, subscription CEUs and options like autism certification that can help further their career.

These CEUs help them to serve people of all populations and ensure that they are prepared to give the best therapy possible.

One of these populations includes individuals who have autism, a lifelong condition that impacts the person’s development in social interaction and communication, among other things. Autism affects both children and adults and is the fastest growing disorder in the United States, making it imperative that OTs are familiar with the disorder and understand how to work with individuals on the spectrum. Continue Reading →


Autism Certification for Therapists and Why It’s Important

Therapists who are certified in autism are in high demand and this is only going to grow as the autism population increases.

According to the CDC, one in every 44 children is diagnosed with autism in the United States yet the majority of states in the country are lacking when it comes to having enough therapists trained in the field of autism. This includes speech language pathologists, occupational therapists, behavior therapists, and other professionals.

In many cases, while therapists are trained experts in the specific therapy or intervention they provide, they often do not complete extensive autism-specific training in addition to their specialty.

This is why supplemental training and certification for therapists is so needed – not only to help therapists with Continue Reading →


Emergency Departments: Why Autism Certification is Critical

Imagine not being aware that your patient’s pain level is not being accurately communicated. Imagine not knowing that when examining a patient, you may inadvertently cause the visit time to be tripled. Imagine misdiagnosing a serious health issue because your patient communicates differently and did not indicate their concerns the same way a “typical” patient does. 

Potential for Misdiagnosis and Increased Visit Time is High

This is the reality for patients with autism who visit emergency departments with urgent or acute medical issues and encounter providers and support staff that are not knowledgeable in the medical differences for people with autism and how to ensure an efficient, effective visit.  Continue Reading →


Why a Product Should Become a Certified Autism Resource

Organizations that provide a tool, product or resource for individuals with cognitive disorders have an important opportunity to position themselves as a leader within the autism community by becoming a Certified Autism Resource (CAR).

What is a Certified Autism Resource?

A Certified Autism Resource, or CAR, is a product or service that has undergone a comprehensive board review conducted by the International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standards (IBCCES), and meets one or more of the six areas of autism competency as outlined by the Board. Continue Reading →


Top 5 Autism Resources for Parents: Travel, Healthcare, etc.

Parents naturally want the best for their children. However, parents with a child on the autism spectrum are faced with unique obstacles that other parents may never think about.

Everything from finding the right treatment plan, knowing which tools may help their child, and planning how to take a family trip or outing are all things that can take a vast amount of research and can be downright frustrating and exhausting when parents don’t know where to look or who to trust. Continue Reading →


8 Ways a Therapy Clinic Can Benefit From Autism Certification

Autism is a complex disorder and while therapists have specific training and are adept at delivering therapeutic interventions, many do not have in-depth training in autism specifically. This can sometimes create obstacles during treatment and can also create frustration for families if they don’t feel like their child is truly understood.

Children with autism are 52 times more likely to visit a doctor or therapist, yet they are often misunderstood and many have had negative experiences with healthcare providers due to a lack of understanding by the provider. Continue Reading →


How Cognitive Training & Learning Centers Get an Advantage

Learning centers are searching for ways to differentiate their services, attract and engage new clients, and provide additional third-party training and certification for their staff.

With cognitive disorders on the rise, it is essential that staff receive proper training to support these students in addition to the proprietary interventions offered by learning centers and cognitive achievement centers.

Many organizations also struggle with maintaining staff professional development over time and filling knowledge gaps to ensure a comprehensive onboarding program. In addition, training and certification in specific areas from third party boards can help demonstrate credibility and staff depth of knowledge, which can impact customer confidence. Continue Reading →


Impact of Early Childhood Intervention and Autism Certification

Content Contributed by: Martha Aki, Project TYKE – Katy ISD

My time spent working in Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) has shown me just how important providing these services to families are. With the IBCCES Advanced Certified Autism Specialist (ACAS) program, my staff has been able to transform how we work with children with special needs and increase the impact we have.

Making a Difference in Katy, Texas

In the Katy Independent School District, located in Texas, there are approximately 83,000 students total. Of these students, 10,000 are special education students, making up a large population of our student body. Continue Reading →

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