Feature Matching Checklist Gets an Update

By: Lois Brady

What app should I use? This is a common question form family member(s), teachers and therapists trying to answer the question, “what are the best apps to fit with the individual needs of their child or student?” Unfortunately there is no one answer, every person is an individual with a unique interests and learning style.

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Educating and Motivating Students on the Autism Spectrum

By: Lois Jean Brady MA, CCC-SLP, CAS and Matthew Guggemos MS, CCC-SLP

Read this article, and you will learn something new and useful. Hopefully, the previous sentence activated your nucleus accumbens, a structure located deep in your brain that plays a key role in reward and learning mechanisms. Whether you’re playing a videogame, listening to music, eating chocolate, or learning something new and interesting, the nucleus accumbens supports all of these experiences.

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Strength Is For The Weak

By Yazi Bakhsheshi

While working with clients, identifying and highlighting one’s strengths can be a real eye opener. When difficulty and emotional defeat begin to rise up, the easy thing to do is play the blame game. It’s simple to point out what I’ve done wrong then come up with a million pointless scenarios of what I should have done or said differently.  Like I said…pointless. Ignoring the problem or reliving the trauma is not going to steer my life or others into the direction that I would best for me.

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Robotics in Special Education: the Future is NAO

By Alia Pyros

It’s no secret that opening a child’s world through education can seem like a daunting task. This is a task, however, that all of the best teachers have dedicated their lives to. They strive each day to figure out what form the key to unlocking the potential for their students will come in. For a little girl named Jazzy at the Moody Primary School in Haverhill MA, and many others around the world, this key took for the shape of a small humanoid robot named NAO.

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