Vanessa Samuel
CAS, and Clinical Counsellor
Code Ninja Encinitas is now a Certified Autism Center™(CAC). The CAC designation is awarded by the International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standards (IBCCES) to organizations that complete training and certification through IBCCES to help staff better communicate and provide assistance to autistic individuals and those with sensory sensitivities.
Centro de Desenvolvimento InfantoJuvenil dos Açores (CDIJA ) is the first of its kind to become a Certified Autism Center™ (CAC) in Portugal. This designation is granted by the International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standards (IBCCES) to organizations that complete training and certification through IBCCES to help staff communicate with and provide assistance to autistic individuals and those with sensory sensitivities.
Since becoming a Certified Autism Center™ (CAC) in 2019, the Arizona Office of Tourism (AOT) has been hard at work to educate and expand its accessibility offerings to help better serve autistic and other sensory-sensitive visitors to Arizona.
By Lisa Lane and Susan Sachs (article republished with permission)
“What do you want to be when you grow up?” This question is first posed to youngsters before they even reach first grade and continues in some form for years to come. Those words can make parents of children with autism cringe. We are not sure what lies ahead for our children in the years to come. In fact, we are often unsure of the status of next week. Our focus is simply to get through the day. But, too often, thoughts of the future wake us up in the middle of the night. What is stimming?
By Martina Riepen, MA (article republished with permission)
We all need holidays at least once a year. Traveling by plane is pretty exciting for many of us, but for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), air travel can be particularly stressful.