C.A.S aka Certified Autism Specialist

Re-posted from The Speech Bubble SLP
Article by: Maureen Wilson M.S., CCC-SLP

In our field we work with a variety of people with a variety of needs. Over the years, at least for me, there has been quite an increase in the number of students I am seeing who are on the Autism spectrum.  Now the reason why I have seen an increase I can’t tell you.  I don’t know if has been simple the coincidence that these particular families moved to my school’s area or a number of other possible reasons. Some people may be over whelmed by the thought of having a caseload with quite a few students with Autism, but I am overjoyed!  I feel I have learned so much about myself and the world around me from these students. As SLPs we tend to develop a soft spot for a particular age group or need.  Students with Autism hit me right in my gooey soft spot.
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The Difference Between Certificates, Certification and Licensure

How does a certificate differ from certification and licensure?

Certificates and certifications are becoming a major part of how education and expertise is recognized all over the world.  The days of just have a degree or even a secondary degree is quickly fading and most employers are now looking for proof of specialization or a specific skill set.  The true indicator of your expertise is most clearly noted with a certification or a certificate.  So what is the difference between a certificate, certification and a license?
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US Department of Veterans Affairs Approves Accreditation of the Certified Autism Specialist Program

In encouraging news for veterans and veteran spouses exploring a career working in one of the fastest growing populations in the country, the US Department of Veteran Affairs has recently announced the approval of the Certified Autism Specialist Program from The International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standards (IBCCES).

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Autism: Back to Basics

A high school student recently called to interview me for a research project on Autism. Our conversation led me to reflect on how beneficial it can be to take a step back and look at the basics of what we know about autism. Those of us in the field of special education for some time can, at times, forget that there are individuals who may not be familiar with autism. Autism can become such an integral part of our lives that it can be helpful to take a step back and look at the basics of what we know with a fresh perspective.

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IBCCES Partners With Over 220 of the Top Universities in the World to Train Certified Autism Specialists

Responding to the urgent need for certified autism specialists as educators and licensed professionals nationwide, IBCCES is happy to announce that in the past 4 months they have partnered with over 220 high profile Universities to help with the training requirements for their Certified Autism Specialist program.  Applicants pursuing their Autism certification have been quick to give this news a very positive response.

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