Autism Training in Law Enforcement and the Call to Action

By Carol S. Weinman, Esq., C.A.S., National Speaker and Author

The willing desire to work together in unraveling the puzzle of autism is growing among law enforcement. The number of calls I receive to present on the topic of autism and police training increases every day. The reason: law enforcement officers want to better understand the complex mindset of those with autism spectrum disorder and more importantly, learn how to interact with them.

Hardly a month goes by anymore when the media isn’t reporting about someone with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) who is arrested or has an unfortunate police encounter. That’s because what appears to be suspicious or criminal activity is behavior characteristic of an individual with ASD. So, how can a police officer know the difference? Well, the first step in prevention of these traumatic incidents among police officers and the ASD community is education.

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The Magic of Better Speech & Hearing Month

By Kerry Magro, Self-Advocate, National Speaker, and Author

When we think of the impact of Autism Awareness Month in April, we sometimes forget May’s Better Hearing & Speech Month (BHSM) that had an impact on those with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Organizations have spearhead efforts to start a conversation for those with these communication challenges.

This month has a special connection to me as I was diagnosed with autism at four. Being in special education settings, I was often in classes with students with a wide range of speech, language and hearing disorders. Our supports were very challenging in our public school setting due to limited funding going to special education. Until 4th grade, before moving to an out of district school for those with learning disabilities, we only had one special education class ranging of students from the ages of 6-14. I often think about how this month could have truly benefited me as a student but also our educators. It’s the same way that I never knew about Autism Awareness Month in April as a child because it was never introduced to me or my classmates.

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My Son with ASD, a Stalker?

By Carol S. Weinman, Esq., Autism Legal Specialist

“My son didn’t do this. He wouldn’t even know how to do this.” These are the words I hear uttered over and over again in my work with criminal defendants on the autism spectrum. That’s when my challenge begins. My mission: to persuade others in power to understand why this individual could not possibly have committed the crime he is charged with. Of course, each case is as different as each individual. In certain cases, it is possible that someone with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) may have knowingly committed such an offense.  But, in most scenarios, after reviewing all the information on this particular defendant, I arrive at the same conclusion – it just isn’t possible, at least not intentionally.  

Young woman may feel stalked

Of course, that assumes you understand ASD. If not, well then, all bets are off. If the police officer, attorney, judge or prosecutor views this defendant through the lens used for more typical criminal offenders, then the situation looks very different. The behavior that resulted in an arrest is perceived as criminal under the law. For the court and prosecutor, it is that simple. But, is it? I would argue it is anything but. Because ASD is very complicated. It is at times often subtle and unrecognizable to the uneducated eye. That’s what makes it so imperative that those making what can be life-altering decisions for these offenders understand that it isn’t what it looks like. This is exactly what I set out to do when I represented an individual charged with stalking.

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The ABCs of Early Intervention

By Taveesha Guyton, Social Worker

As a young child, I remember being dropped off at grandmother’s house and sitting and watching black and white movies of The Three Stooges on a floor model television in the living room. I remember watching the Price is Right and clapping my hands because I saw the audience do this on TV. Now we have IPADS which help children with eye- hand coordination, Leap Frog which helps children read and other assistive technology.

As a Social Worker, I am always concerned with the growth and development of my children. I often, compare my kids’ growth to the milestone chart given by the pediatrician to see if my client is developing according to the benchmarks. The questions are, what happens if children are below where they need to be and are there anything parents can do to help? What is Early Intervention? How does it help families? And what happens if a child has a diagnosis as being developmentally delayed at a young age?  

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TCASE Interactive 2016

Every July, TCASE hosts a summer convention that provides networking and professional development opportunities for professionals who serve special education programs in Texas public schools.

We are excited to welcome you to TCASE Interactive 2016 at the JW Marriott in Austin.

The host hotel is the largest JW Marriott in the United States and offers 1,012 elegant, over-sized guest rooms, countless amenities and superior location near the best entertainment options Austin has to offer.

With several restaurants and a Starbucks Coffee, convention attendees have several on-site options for dining and java.

TCASE Interactive also offers what you have come to know and expect from TCASE convention, with time-critical content that helps you run your programs, unparalleled networking opportunities with Texas special education leaders, and an expo hall with leading service and product providers in your field.

You will not want to miss TCASE Interactive 2016.

With the demand for autism experts and autism therapists on the rise, it is more important than ever for teachers and health professionals to have some form of ASD training. At IBCCES, we are committed to providing professional development training through our Autism Certification.


TCASE Autism Conference

Why should you attend?
  • Learn best practices and practical strategies for supporting students with autism spectrum disorder.
  • Collaborate with colleagues in other Texas districts to share best practices and supports for students.
  • Earn CEU’s by attending. CEU’s will qualify for professional certification as a Certified Autism Specialist or Autism Certificate.

Who should attend?

The TCASE Autism Conference is designed for educators and paraprofessionals who are responsible for supporting individuals on the autism spectrum.

Topics Include

  • Social communication and interaction;
  • Dealing with aggression and behavior issues;
  • Sexuality and education;
  • Video modeling and the use of apps;
  • Bullying from a legal and district perspective.

With the demand for autism experts and autism therapists on the rise, it is more important than ever for teachers and health professionals to have some form of ASD training. At IBCCES, we are committed to providing professional development training through our Autism Certification.



AHA 26th Annual Fall Conference

Issues in Education for School-Age Students and Adults on the Autism Spectrum

Put on by the AHA, the purpose of this annual fall conference is to address the educational, social and behavioral issues pertaining to students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Our nationally known speakers present current and effective strategies for higher-functioning students, and important voices from the spectrum offer insights from their personal experience.

With the demand for autism experts and autism therapists on the rise, it is more important than ever for teachers and health professionals to have some form of ASD training. At IBCCES, we are committed to providing professional development training through our Autism Certification.


AEP Connections Conference – Strategies That Work

October 26th – Rebecca Moyes, M.Ed.

Practical Strategies to Address Executive Functioning Skills in the Student with Autism

Executive functions are the cognitive tasks that allow us to plan, organize, initiate, attend to task, and regulate and monitor behavior. They are the key building blocks to learning! Until recently, not much has been known about how to address executive function disorder in children and adolescents with autism. Many times, the child’s problems were considered to be ‘just poor behavior,’ but we do know that kids with autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, and certain types of learning disabilities (including nonverbal learning disability) can all be impacted from executive function deficits. If your student or child has any of the following concerns, he may be struggling with executive function deficits:

  • Has a messy room or desk
  • Can’t seem to hold directions in his/her brain or be able to multi-task
  • Is unmotivated
  • Is often fidgety or inattentive
  • Is blunt and/or rude
  • Does not think before he/she acts
  • Is forgetful and loses things  Has difficulty with time management
  • Can’t seem to get started on tasks
  • Has difficulty shifting between activities or “letting things go”

Come and learn practical strategies for school and home that will empower your student to succeed, while capitalizing on his/her strengths.

October 27th – Jed Baker, Ph.D

All Kids Can Succeed: Effective Interventions for Behavioral and Social Challenges

Students on the autism spectrum and those with behavioral challenges often present with difficulty regulating their feelings and interacting socially. This workshop describes how to handle meltdowns and design effective behavior plans to prevent these moments and reduce frustration and anxiety. The second part of the presentation details strategies to motivate students to learn, ways to teach social skills, how to generalize skills into the natural setting and increase acceptance and tolerance from peers. Information will be imparted though lecture, interactive exercises, and video clips.


32nd Annual International DEC Conference

We look forward to seeing you at the 32nd Annual International DEC Conference in Louisville, Kentucky. This year’s conference theme, “A Winning Trifecta: Knowledge, Implementation, and Evaluation of DEC Recommended Practices,” features leading experts from around the world in early intervention, early childhood special education, and related disciplines. Our conference program is designed to develop the skills and knowledge of those who work with or on behalf of young children with special needs and their families.

If you have any questions about the DEC Conference, please feel free to contact us at

With the demand for autism experts and autism therapists on the rise, it is more important than ever for teachers and health professionals to have some form of ASD training. At IBCCES, we are committed to providing professional development training through our Autism Certification.

DEC Conference



TLP Provider Certification Course

We offer a variety of continuing education courses for clinicians and educators working with children and adults in the areas of learning, communication, therapeutic intervention, wellness, and brain performance.

The primary objective of all training is to provide innovative clinical tools and strategies that can be immediately applied upon course completion in clinics, hospitals, schools, and homes.

With the demand for autism experts and autism therapists on the rise, it is more important than ever for teachers and health professionals to have some form of ASD training. At IBCCES, we are committed to providing professional development training through our Autism Certification.


$625 (within 30 days of event)
$575 Early Bird (30 days in advance) & AOTA Member
$550 Group (3 or more)
$325 Provider (Retraining)

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