Let’s Talk About Depression

By Guest Contributor Claudia Cortez

World Health Day is April 7 and this year the World Health Organization (WHO) is tackling depression. Per statistics from the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, 40 million adults suffer from depression in the United States alone. Globally, that number escalates to an astounding 350 million people. The prevalence among children and adolescents is much higher: 1 in every 4 teens will have a major depressive episode in high school. Depression also accounts for the second leading cause of death among 15 to 29 year olds–suicide. In an ongoing effort to raise awareness, reduce stigma, and mobilize the community to learn, recognize, and treat depression, WHO has implemented a year-long campaign with the slogan, “Depression: Let’s Talk.” The campaign began October 2016, but it’s not too late to take part in the conversation. 

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IBCCES’ International Symposium on Cognitive Research & Disabilities to Feature Top Experts & Educational Leaders

Healthcare and education professionals are invited to participate in the 1st Annual International Symposium on Cognitive Research & Disabilities, which is set to take place February 13-14, 2017 at the World Golf Village in St. Augustine, Florida. The symposium is designed to equip professionals with the tools they need to increase the quality of care and improve outcomes for both students and patients with cognitive and developmental disabilities. Top cognitive research experts and educational leaders will conduct TED Talk formatted panel discussions on topics relating to healthcare and education for this 1.5 day event hosted by the International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standards (IBCCES).

“The latest research tells us that 94% of the population will either be personally affected by or have an immediate family member affected by one or more of the top cognitive disorders sometime in the next 20 years,” said Myron Pincomb, International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standards (IBCCES) Board Chairman. “No other profession is impacted by these findings more than our educators and health care professionals.”
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