Gilbert Parks and Recreation is Now Autism Certified to Enhance Community Services

Gilbert Parks and Recreation recently earned the Certified Autism Center™ (CAC) designation from the International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standards (IBCCES) for undergoing training and implementing new programs and resources that better serve autistic or sensory-sensitive individuals.

During the certification process, IBCCES conducted an onsite review of key parks and community centers in Gilbert to help provide recommendations on how the town could better understand and accommodate visitors’ needs. Continue Reading →


Newly Appointed Advisory Board Member, Erik Beard

The International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standards (IBCCES), a leading global provider of training and certification on autism and cognitive disorders, appointed Erik Beard to its executive advisory board. Erik H. Beard is a managing member and general counsel of International Ride Training where he oversees the company’s legal needs and also supports its amusement ride safety training, certification, auditing and accessibility programs including the International Ride Operator Certification program, the world’s only third-party certification of safety, efficiency, and professionalism for amusement ride operators.

“I’m excited to be a part of IBCCES’ advisory board.” said Erik Beard. “IBCCES has, in a very short time, made a major impact on the amusement industry by increasing awareness and accessibility at our parks and attractions through the Certified Autism Center program. As someone that works hard to strengthen accessibility, inclusiveness, and ADA compliance through International Ride Training’s ‘ADA FAQ’ training program, I intend to further strengthen IBCCES’ connections to the amusement park industry, and to raise awareness for the need to implement autism and other cognitive disorder training and certifications.”

Beard is a nationally recognized authority on the application of the Americans With Disabilities Act to the amusement park industry and is the creator of “ADA FAQ: Disability Training for the Attractions Industry,” the nation’s only ADA compliance training program specifically devoted to increasing accessibility and accommodation for guests with disabilities at amusement parks and attractions by training front-line ride operators, lifeguards, and other park employees in the complexities of the ADA as applied to their unique business. He also is a frequent speaker at amusement industry events and trade shows such as the IAAPA Expo, the World Waterpark Association trade show, the Ellis & Associates International Aquatic Safety School, and the International Ride Operator Safety School, among others. Beard has published numerous articles and is quoted frequently on amusement industry safety, accessibility, and legal issues in such publications as the American Bar Association Franchise Law Journal, Funworld Magazine, Amusement Today and InPark Magazine.

“IBCCES is thrilled to welcome Erik Bread to the IBCCES Board of Advisors. We regularly evaluate our Executive Advisory Board composition to ensure it includes a variety of perspectives, experience, and expertise necessary to drive growth,” said Myron Pincomb, Board Chairman IBCCES.

For almost 20 years, IBCCES has been the industry leader in cognitive disorder training and certification for education, healthcare, and corporate professionals around the globe. IBCCES provides evidence-based training and certification programs created in conjunction with clinical experts and individuals with autism in order to provide professionals serving individuals with cognitive disorders a better understanding of what these disorders are, industry best practices, varied perspectives, and the latest research in these areas.